Doug Mills and his Training Thru Trust method have helped thousands of horses and riders realize their fullest potential as horsemen.

Doug Mills has built his training program around horses and people. Born and raised on a working cattle ranch in Price, Utah he started his first horse when he was eight years old under the guidance of his brother in law, George Fasselin. That experience was invaluable as he learned how to safely get around the wild ones. Although there was no violence we did use restraints and wet saddle blankets. He also learned the value of giving a horse a job then leave him alone.

In his early teens Doug watched a round pen demo that would forever change how he thought about horses. The trainer had a BLM Mustang that he rode in a couple hours with no restraints. That was unheard of in those days. That demo ignited a passion in Doug and set him out on his path to developing one of the most trusted and proven methods available. More information became available via clinics, videos, books and articles. Doug became a junkie. Working horses at liberty he learned how to teach horses without restraints.

After experiencing the incredible results using his newly developed technique, Doug's excitement turned into a passion of needing to share what he had learned with others through clinics and demos. Most of the people at the first clinics were new to horses so he learned how to break down difficult tasks into simple steps. He found a couple of common problems people were having, one was communication. The commands were too fast with inconsistent angle, pressure and timed release. The other was a lack of leadership, horses were walking all over the owners.

Doug came up with the simplest manoeuvre he knew of that would address both problems, then tested them at clinics. The goal was for the greenest rider to have success with the toughest horse. This was the beginning of Training Thru Trust!
Doug has always had a passion for well broke, athletic horses so showing reining and working cow horse was the likely place for him to learn from the best in the business. He took all he learned about training and showing performance horses and applied the Training Thru Trust philosophy and techniques. Doug believes the key to willingness is choices without restraints. "Making the right thing easy, and the wrong thing hard."

Doug has had much success around the world, teaching both horse and rider, however he would probably tell you that his greatest achievements of late are watching his wife, Lynette and four Children all following his Training Thru Trust Program achieve their own success in the Equine Industry. 

Our Accomplishments 

2018 Kade wins Red Deer Mane Event Trainers Challenge

2017 Kade wins Saskatoon Trainers Challenge
2015 Kade wins All Equine Trainers Challenge, London Ontario
2014 Kade wins All Equine Trainers Challenge, London Ontario
          Doug wins Saskatoon Equine Equine Expo Challenge
2013 Kaylee wins 2013 Trainer of the North Challenge
2012  Kyle wins 2012 Trainer of the North Challenge
           Kaylee wins 2012 Siblings Rivalry Challenge at Farm Fair
           Kade wins 2012 Canadian Horse Trainers Challenge Championship 
2011   Kyle wins the Trainer of the North Challenge
            Kade wins the Red Deer and Chilliwack Mane Event
            Trainers Challenge
2010  Made Top 10 Project Cowboy, Fort Worth Texas
2009  Mane Event Trainers Challenge Champion, 
             Red Deer, AB      
             NRCHA Stallion Stakes in Nampa Idaho
             Open Finalist & Limited Open Champion
             Kaylee wins European Junior Trainer Challenge 
             Kyle wins European Trainer Challenge
2008  European Trainers Challenge Champion
             Kaylee wins BCHSRA Breakaway Roping 
2007   Mane Event Trainers Challenge Champion, 
             Chilliwack, B.C.
             NRCHA Stallion Stakes in Nampa Idaho Limited 
             Open Champion on He's Wright On                   
             WCRA Year End Beginner Horse Open Reserve   
             Champion on Jac To A Lena
             WCRA Year End 300 Novice Open Working 
             Cow Horse Reserve Champion on Jac To A Lena                                                    
2006   Mane Event Trainers Challenge Champion 
              Chilliwack, B.C.  
              World Snaffle Bit Futurity in Reno, Nevada.
              Limited Open Finalist, finished in 6th place 
              on He's Wright On
2005  Mane Event Trainers Challenge Champion,
             Chilliwack, B.C.
             WCRA Year End Beginner Horse Open Champion 
             on West Coast Badger
             WCRA Year End Open Champion on Swiss Miss Olena
             WCRA Year End Limited Open Reserve Champion 
             on Chocodelic
             WCRA Year End Working Cow Horse Open Bridle
             Champion on West Coast Badger

"Definitely recommend the Doug Mills Method. I took my mare there with the full intentions of selling her at the end of the clinic as our problems seem so monstrous. With the tools that Doug taught me and teaching my mare and I a different way of communicating we became a team with a foundation to build on. With his and his teams help showing how to communicate the horses language and show how your energy affects your horses movement and reactions."

Kathy Lovell

In (1989) with his wife, Lynette and their four children, (Kyle, Kade, Kaylee and Kelcie) he moved to British Columbia, Canada as a farrier and horse trainer, where he has continued to build his "Training Thru Trust" program. Doug and his students have a slew of success stories in all disciplines but seeing the whole family train and continue to improve their horsemanship goals is his biggest achievement, Doug says with a grin. 

His unique ability as a speaker and teacher allow him to present an exciting, educational, and inspiring program to audiences. With a calm and easy approach, Doug teaches practical horsemanship skills that EVERYONE can take home and put to immediate use, using his interactions with the horse to emphasize the most fundamental lesson: allowing the horse to make choices.


Doug Mills and his Training Thru Trust method have helped thousands of horses and riders realize their fullest potential as horsemen. See for yourself why so many people around the world have become so inspired by the simplicity and common-sense approach of his program.

"If you havenā€™t signed up for Dougā€™s online coaching yet I HIGHLY recommend you do!!! So clear! So easy! Iā€™m very self conscious riding in front of others but this is easy. I just ride, knowing I can delete the video if I want to. But seriously, why would I? I need the critique! Dougā€™s advice is very clear, and best of all, I can review it as I need! Love this program!"

Dagmar Lynch
Online Student

"The Mills Family Tradition"

The Mills family featured in the "Horses All" October 2012 Edition


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